Bicycling SIG first ride

  • 05/23/2024
  • 10:15 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Center Ossipee, NH

Registration is closed

Hi all,

We weren't planning to start this early, but the weather looks great this week, so why not? We'll start off with a nice 10.8-mile loop on quiet country roads starting and finishing in Center Ossipee. 

WHAT: Center Ossipee loop

WHEN: 10:15 am map meeting; 10:30 AIS*

WHERE: Parking lot for Center Ossipee Playground

LEADERS: Bennie DiNardo and Linda Nicholson

Drive to Mountain View Station in Center Ossipee; the playground parking lot, which is where the Ossipee police want us to park, is directly behind the restaurant, across the train tracks. Best way to get into the lot is to look for the building with a big "Ossipee Crossing" painted on it; there's a smaller sign on that building pointing to the playground. 

The ride is 10.8 miles, 500 feet of climbing, and just a few turns. A map and cue sheet are attached (I think). Please print them out to have them with you. Linda will be riding up front to show people where to turn; I'll be riding sweep at the rear with a simple tool kit and first-aid kit. Make sure your bike is ready to ride; my simple reminder to myself is to check ABC (air, brakes, and cables) before leaving the house. You should have a spare tube and be able to change your own if you get a flat; we can help with simple needs, but I am no bike mechanic.

Please register if you are interested! Weather is supposed to be sunny and 70 degrees; I'll check in the morning and email those who have registered if we need to cancel.

Mountain View Station will be open when we're done; anyone who wishes to have lunch or dessert there is more than welcome. Desserts are prepared fresh every Tuesday. Only one flavor of ice cream, vanilla, is available, but they make a mean hot fudge sundae.

If you want to download the ride to a Garmin or other device, here's a link to the Ride with GPS map.

* AIS Ass in seat, or in this case Ass in saddle. One of my favorite terms used on one of my favorite TV shows, Everybody Loves Raymond.

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P.O. Box 966
Wolfeboro Falls, NH  03896

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